01 February 2011

Efforts done by the Singapore Police Force and National Crime Prevention Council

Here some of the measures taken by the Government to send the message across to the members of the public regarding crimes. Posters and advertisements are put up in public places to generate these awareness. Here are some pictures that we took:

Therefore, for the people of Vic Street, Low Crime Doesn't Mean No Crime. Lets take all the necessary preventive measures to ensure that crime does not happen in our neighbourhood.

Crime Prevention Video

Schoolboy beaten up by older boys in the carpark

This is a true account of an experience given by one of the residents in Vic Street, Mr Poh Hu Li. She recalled an incident whereby a schoolboy was beaten up by 4 older boys in the carpark. He feels that this is an important news to share as he wants the residents to be aware that there is such incident in the neighbourhood. With this sharing of news, he hopes that the 4 older boys can be caught, and brought to justice.

Here is his personal account on the incident:

"I happened to witnessed one incident myself last week when one small schoolboy was beaten up by 4 other older boys. The incident took place at the void deck of Blk 3. The gang ran away from the scene as soon as i approached them."

If there is any news or sightings of the 4 older boys, please report it to the nearest police station in Vic Street or call 999 immediately. The resident's co-operation is greatly appreciated.