01 February 2011

Personal account of Mr Vejaya on car vandalism

 Mr Vejaya is a resident in Vic Street. He is married with 2 kids. Last year, he also witness a car vandalism activity happening in the neighbourhood. Here is his personal recount on the incident: 

"I was walking home one night and as I was heading towards my flat on the 6th floor, I noticed that there were 3 teenagers at the multi-story car park opposite my flat. They were using spray paint to vandalise the cars. These 3 teenagers were malay and were all dressed in black with their hair dyed blonde.

They were also using kitchen knives to scratch the car. But before I could call the police, they ran off. Probably being scared off when they heard a car driving up into the car park."

Even though he experienced the incident first hand, he was worried to let anyone know about the incident as he didn't want to create unnecessary trouble with the teenagers. Therefore, he chose to remain quiet regarding the incident. However, he feels that the actions done by the teenagers are inappropriate and he is disgusted by their behaviors. He also hope that his children will not be influenced by the actions of these teenagers and grows up to be a good citizen.

Here are some pictures emailed to us by Mr Vejaya on the victim's cars: 


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