01 February 2011

Ms Tan Bee Wee: Experienced Car Vandalism first hand.

Ms Tan Bee Wee, is a resident in Vic Street, living in Blk 3. 2 months back, she witnessed first hand someone vandalising a car. However, she was afraid to let people know regarding the incident. After much persuasion, she agreed to speak about the incident and gave descriptions on how the vandal looks like. Here's her account on the incident:

"I also witnessed the scene about 2 months ago but I was too afraid to voice out my thoughts, come to think of it I should have report to the police straightaway. I still remember that day I was walking home from school, and wanted to go to the nearest minimart to buy greentea as I was very thirsty.

And I saw this guy behaving sneakily around the neighbourhood carpark, I sensed something was wrong and continue to observe him. After 5minutes later, I actually saw him holding a tin of paint and splashed onto a black car! I was really shocked and I walked away with fear. I still remember vividly that this guy is about 178-180cm. He was very skinny and fair, with thick moustache, wearing black polo tee and dark blue jeans."

With this account given by Ms Tan, we hope that residents of Vic Street will be on the lookout for this vandal and help police nab this culprit. This is to ensure that similar incidents will not happen to other residents living in Vic Street.

Here is the picture given by Ms Tan on the vandalism:

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